Harness Abundant Positive Frequencies and Energy for Healing! July 3-4 - Master Sha Harness Abundant Positive Frequencies and Energy for Healing! July 3-4 - Master Sha

Harness High Frequencies and Positive Energy for Healing!

Healing Days: Heal and Transform the Physical,
Mental & Emotional Bodies

Global Webcast with Francisco Quintero, David Lusch and Cecilia Liu
July 3-4, 2021   |   10am – 5pm ET   |   $175 CAD

Note: All participants receive 2 Sacred Light Transmissions

If you are seeking healing – physically, mentally, emotionally, or in relationships, finances, or any aspect of life that affects your wellbeing – our monthly Healing Days events will support you on your path in a powerful way.

When you join a Healing Days Event, you receive deep healing wisdom, empowering practical tools and techniques, and extraordinary spiritual transmissions that together have helped thousands of people around the world to achieve their healing objectives. You can join these events regularly to deepen your wisdom and practice and receive even more support for all your healing goals.

How it works

Everything has a vibrational field. This includes our souls, hearts, minds, and bodies, our relationships, businesses and finances, our thoughts and feelings, and more. It includes all aspects of life.

These vibrational fields consist of positive and negative information and energy. Information is like a blueprint that directs energy and matter. Positive information and energy nourish good health, happiness, and success, while negative information and energy weigh us down and bring challenges. 

The key to healing and transformation is to transform negative information (and energy) within. To know how to access high-frequency, positive fields and apply pure, positive information and energy to a problem area in our lives is the key that helps us to heal and transform any condition for optimal health and happiness.

A Unique Positive Information and Energy Field for Transforming Life

We are excited to share with you a positive information and energy system that can help you to transform health, relationships, finances, and more. With simple practices, you can tap into and harness this field of unlimited positive information and energy to help yourself transform the negative messages at the root of your challenges.  At the same time, you will be absorbing new, positive messages that support your highest potential. This system has worked for many!

With unlimited positive energy and key transformational practices, you can help yourself:

  • unlock your inner healing power
  • clear negative messages at the root level
  • connect to universal power and wisdom
  • reduce pain and suffering
  • transform blockages in your health
  • restore balance and harmony
  • feel happier and healthier
  • and more!

Be sure to join this next Healing Days Event to experience and receive the following:

  • An extraordinary healing field of positive information and energy
  • Profound wisdom, practices, and healing meditations
  • Techniques that can be applied anytime, anywhere, to tap into the healing field and help you heal and transform any aspect of your life
  • Sacred Light Treasures (spiritual light transmissions) to help you transform specific aspects of your mental, emotional, or physical health to support your greater wellbeing in these uncertain times
  • And much more!

The information in your fields is the key. Change your information and change your life!

Join us!

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