Relay Chanting in Mumbai, Delhi and Bangalore - Master Sha Relay Chanting in Mumbai, Delhi and Bangalore - Master Sha
Sep 28 2016 | Awards & Events

Relay Chanting in Mumbai, Delhi and Bangalore

Since April 2016, Soul Healing India has been leading a 24/7 Love Peace Harmony relay chanting combined with a forgiveness practice. Among three groups in Mumbai, Delhi and Bangalore, 168 people are holding a positive vision for healing our planet.

Using the WhatsApp Messenger app, the group is able to pass the chanting baton from one person to the next, keeping a continuous chanting flow going. In Mumbai, 104 people chant for 30 minutes each all day. Among the chanters, 95 are Divine Healing Hands Soul Healers and nine are family members. In Delhi, 36 people chant for 17 hours every day. Bangalore has 28 people chanting for 14 hours daily.

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