Nadia Rose - Master Sha Nadia Rose - Master Sha

Nadia Rose

Teacher Level
Certified Master Teacher and Healer of Tao Academy
Region of Residence

Nadia Rose is a Licensed Tao Calligraphy Field Level 1 Master Teacher and Practitioner. She has dedicated her life to helping people around the world with health, relationships, finances, and other challenges using different modalities. She is certified as a Happiness Life Coach, Therapeutic Art Life Coach, Reiki Level 2 Master Teacher, Tao Hands Practitioner, Tao Calligraphy Grand Master Practitioner and Master Teacher, and Tao Song Tao Dance Practitioner. She is also a Guan Yin Lineage Holder and Soul Communicator. She has practiced for over 25 years with great success and many miracles.

Nadia Rose offers complimentary and paid private/group healing sessions remotely and in person, readings, meditations, and training to become a certified Tao Hands practitioner.  She also offers Tao Calligraphy writing and meditation classes and healing sessions, both in person and remotely, to improve health, finances, relationships and to further guide those who wish to grow on their soul journeys.  

Whichever path you choose, Nadia is here for you. She will hold your hand and bring you safely from point A to B (where you need to be), either to receive a healing or become a healer. 

She is here to help English and Russian speakers.